Opinion: U.S. Is Winning the War on Drugs

By Gil Kerlikowske 
Director of White House’s National Drug Control Policy

Since March 2009, the Obama administration has placed an unprecedented amount of personnel, infrastructure and technology along the southwest border. The U.S. Border Patrol has doubled in size, we’ve bolstered operations at our ports of entry and we’ve expanded successful partnerships with the Mexican government that are cracking down on cross-border crime. These actions have improved our ability to disrupt drug-trafficking across the United States.

As drug seizures have increased due to smarter enforcement, the U.S. consumption of cocaine and methamphetamine has also plummeted. Since 2006, cocaine use has dropped by more than 40 percent, and meth use has fallen by a third. The demand for these drugs in the United States has fallen substantially, and the market for cocaine in particular is in disarray.

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