Pakistani Linked to Militant Group Says he Helped NY Bomber, Washington Post Reports

pakistan-mapBy Allan Lengel

WASHINGTON — A Pakistani man linked to a militant group in his country has told authorities he acted as an accomplice to the failed New York car bomber Faisal Shahzad, the Washington Post is reporting.

The Post reported that the man, arrested by Pakistani authorities, has provided an “independent stream” of evidence implicating the Pakistani Taliban. American investigators have had direct access to him, the paper reported.

The news comes one day after authorities raided homes and businesses in three Northeast states, and arrested three people suspected of providing funding to Shahzad. Authorities have said it is unclear whether they knew what Shahzad was up to.

The Post also reported that Pakistani security officials in Islamabad have said they have yet to find concrete evidence to link Shahzad to militant activity in Pakistan, or for that matter, that he trained with the Taliban.

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