Pakistani Scientist Accused of Trying to Shoot American Soldiers and FBI Agents Found Guilty in NY

new-york-mapBy Allan Lengel

A Pakistani neuroscientist, who disrupted her New York trial with multiple outbursts, was convicted Wednesday of attempted murder for trying to kill American soldiers and F.B.I. agents in Afghanistan, the U.S. Attorney’s Office announced.

Authorities charged that Aafia Siddiqui, 37, of grabbing grabbed an M4 rifle in an Afghanistan police station in 2008 and fired on American officers and federal agents. No one was hit.

The jury deliberated for over 2 days following a 14 day trial, authorities said.

The New York Times reported that as jurors began leaving the courtroom, Siddiqui turned to them in her chair and said:

“This is a verdict coming from Israel and not from America. That’s where the anger belongs. I can testify to this, and I have proof.”

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