Paranoia Grips White House As Trump’s Inner Circle Worries about Secret Recordings

By Steve Neavling

Tension and paranoia have gripped the White House as the special counsel’s investigation gets closer to Donald Trump’s inner circle.

Already on edge, White House officials are questioning whether witnesses for Special Counsel Robert Mueller were wired to covertly record conversations, sources close to the president told Politico

“They’re probably shitting bricks,” said an attorney who represents a senior Trump aide caught up in the Russia investigation. “How can you not?”

The latest bad news for Trump was the revelation that his former national security adviser, Michael Flynn, has agreed to cooperate with investigators after pleading guilty Friday to lying to the FBI.

Trump’s inner circle has already been worried following the discovery that former campaign aide George Papadopoulos reached a secret deal earlier this summer.

White House attorneys and private counsel for current and former Trump aides acknowledged they have asked their clients whether they’ve had discussions with any potential witnesses who could have been wired. 

Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into alleged collusion between Trump’s campaign and Russia has heated up in recent weeks.

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