Pentagon: A Top Candidate for Next CIA Director, Michael Vickers, Disclosed Classified Information

Michael Vickers
Michael Vickers
Steve Neavling

 Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence Michael Vickers, among the possible candidates for the next CIA director, leaked classified information about the hunt for Osama bin Laden to filmmakers of an acclaimed movie, Pentagon investigators have concluded, McClatchy Newspapers reports.

The Justice Department, however, has declined to pursue criminal prosecution since receiving the case in September, McClatchy reported, citing two senior U.S. officials.

Investigators with the Pentagon’s Inspector General’s Office said Vickers disclosed to filmmakers of “Zero Dark Thirty” the name of a U.S. Special Operations Command officer involved in planning the May 2011 raid on bin Laden’s hideout in Pakistan.

Revealing classified information is a crime.

Vickers is among the possible candidates to replace retired Army Gen. David Petraeus as CIA director.

“Mike Vickers is an outstanding defense and intelligence professional and is well respected inside the Department of Defense and the intelligence community,” Pentagon spokesman George Little said.

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