Pharmacist Claims Ex-Cop Fired Without Warning in ATF Agent’s Death on Long Island

John Capano/atf photo
By Allan Lengel

A pharmacist claims a retired Nassau County cop who accidentally shot and killed an ATF agent outside the Long Island store during a New Year’s Eve day robbery, fired without warning, the Associated Press reported.

That account, which differs from the cop’s attorney’s version, surfaced after a document was accidentally posted on a prosecutor’s website.

Retired Nassau County Lt. Christopher Geraghty came to the rescue of ATF agent John Capano, who got into a struggle with the robber. Geraghty tried to help and fired the deadly shot that killed Capano.

Geraghty’s attorney Brian Davis said his client fired a shot after a shot whizzed by his head, according to AP. He said his client has been distraught over the incident.

Capano had gone to the pharmacy to fill a prescription for his ailing father when he stumbled upon the robbery.

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