Philly Cop Charged With Leaking Info About Drug Raid: Ex-NBA Star Implicated But not Charged


In the NBA, it’s a good thing when you pass the ball and get an assist. But in this case, an assist was not a good thing. Ex- NBA player Jerome “Pooh” Richardson assisted a major drug kingpin by passing on info about a federal raid. He has not been charged.

Associated Press Writer
PHILADELPHIA — Former NBA player Jerome “Pooh” Richardson passed along a tip from a police officer friend that federal agents were about to raid the home his half-sister shared with a drug kingpin, according to an indictment unsealed Wednesday.

Richardson, 43, is not charged in the indictment, which accuses only the Philadelphia detective with criminal wrongdoing. The officer, Rickie Durham, is a longtime friend of Richardson’s who received a car, event tickets and other expensive gifts from the athlete over the years, the document said.

Prosecutors declined to say whether Richardson is cooperating or whether he broke the law in relaying the tip.

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