Philly FBI Agent Shows a little Courtroom Theatrics in Corruption Probe

philly-mapThere was little doubt that there wasn’t more corruption beyond the probe into crooked ex-state Sen. Vincent Fumo. And an FBI agent proved that point with a little courtroom theatrics. It will be interesting to see how deep this goes and whether Fumo, just convicted, will cooperate and point fingers.

By Craig R. McCoy and Emilie Lounsberry
Philadelphia Inquirer
PHILADELPHIA — With brutal directness, the FBI revealed yesterday that its long-running investigation into “Fumo World” isn’t over.

After a post-conviction hearing in U.S. District Court for former State Sen. Vincent J. Fumo, an FBI agent stood up, crossed the courtroom toward Fumo friend Mitchell Rubin, and handed him a “target letter” warning him that he could face criminal charges.

Rubin, chairman of the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission, was sitting in the audience in support of his wife, Ruth Arnao, the former Fumo aide convicted Monday, alongside Fumo, on corruption charges.

After FBI Special Agent Vicki Humphreys handed Rubin an envelope with the letter, Rubin read it, and then slumped in his front-row bench. He was the picture of shock and despair.

The federal jury that convicted Fumo found as part of its sweeping 137-count tally of guilty verdicts that he had defrauded the Senate by handing Rubin a “no-work” contract.
For Full Story


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