By Steve Neavling
The FBI’s plans to move into a new headquarters has hit a snag over a dispute involving the bureau, Office of Management and Budget and GSA, The New York Times reports.
The dispute stems from how the federal government is going to pay for the 2.1-million-square-foot headquarters in one of three Washington D.C. suburbs.
As a result of the disagreement, the next step of releasing the second request for site proposals and draft environmental impact statements have been delayed.
“The fundamental problem with these federal real property assets is that there’s no money to replace and modernize them,” said Daniel M. Tangherlini, who was the administrator of the G.S.A., the government’s landlord, until he left for the private sector in February. “But there is also no money to leave them the way they are.”
The current headquarters is literally crumbling and can only house about half of the headquarters staff.