Poll: Most Americans Trust Special Counsel Mueller Over Trump

President Trump, via the White House.

By Steve Neavling

Most Americans aren’t buying President Trump’s relentless campaign to undermine confidence in the special counsel team investigating whether his campaign colluded with Russia.

A new USA Today/Suffolk University Poll finds a majority of Americans trust Robert Mueller’s investigation over the president’s denials of collusion. 

Of the 1,000 registered voters polled after the indictments of 13 Russians and three companies, 58% said they have a lot or some trust in Mueller’s probe, while 57% said they have little or no trust in Trump’s denials.

The survey also found that more Americans are taking seriously the allegations that Russia interfered in the 2016 presidential election. Of those polled, 75% take the charges filed by Mueller seriously, while just one in five don’t.

In March 2017, another USA Today/Suffolk Poll found that 63% took Russian interference seriously, while 31% did not.

The survey’s findings spell trouble for the president, who continues to insist the investigation is a “witch hunt” perpetuated by his own FBI and Justice to take him down.

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