Postal Worker Stole More than $130,000 in Treasury Checks

mailbox2By Allan Lengel

In these austere time, D.C. Postal carrier  Shareen Wilson figured out a way to earn some extra cash: She stole more than $130,000 in U.S. and D.C. Treasury checks before they could be delivered.

Now the 42-year-old is  off to federal prison.

U.S. District Judge John D. Bates in Washington sentenced her Thursday to two years and one month in prison and ordered her to pay $134,416 in restitution, according to the U.S. Attorney’s Office.

Authorities say more than 50 businesses and individuals were victimized by the scheme that occurred between 2008 and 2010. Authorities said Wilson gave the checks to a conspirator who recruited others to cash the checks using fake and fraudulent id — usually at liquor stores. Wilson then got a cut of the  proceeds.


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