President Obama Nominates Four More U.S. Attorneys

Daniel Bogden/utlaw-edu
Daniel Bogden/utlaw

By Allan Lengel

Four U.S. Attorneys were nominated Friday by President Obama  including Daniel G. Bogden, the  Nevada U.S. Attorney who was fired by the Bush Administration in 2006.

Bogden had served five years as U.S. Attorney before he was fired in December of 2006. He was one of nine U.S. Attorneys fired in what has become a scandal and the focus of a criminal probe.  NBC reported that Sen. Harry Reid had pushed for his nomination to correct a wrong.

Those nominated Friday included:

• Daniel G. Bogden, District of Nevada
• Deborah K. Gilg, District of Nebraska
• Timothy J. Heaphy, Western District of Virginia
• Peter F. Neronha, District of Rhode Island

“These fine men and women have demonstrated the extensive knowledge of the law and deep commitment to public service Americans deserve from their United States Attorneys,” the President said in a prepared statement.

“It is with the utmost confidence in their ability and integrity that I nominate them for the weighty task of pursuing justice on behalf of the American people.”

Read White House Press Release to Find Out More About Each Nominee


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