President Trump’s Administration at Odds Over Marijuana

marijuana-istockBy Steve Neavling

President Trump’s administration has no consistent position on marijuana.

After Attorney General Jeff Session said marijuana is “only slightly less awful than heroin, Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly said Sunday that pot “is not a factor in the drug war.”

Kelly said in an interview on NBC’s “Meet the Press” that his agency is focusing on cocaine, meth, heroin and other opiates, which resulted 52,000 deaths in American in 2015. 

“It’s a massive problem. 52,000 Americans. You can’t put a price on human misery,” Kelly said. “The cost to the United States is over $250 billion a year.”

But “the solution is not arresting a lot of users,” the secretary added. “The solution is a comprehensive drug demand reduction program in the United States that involves every man and woman of goodwill. And then rehabilitation. And then law enforcement. And then getting at the poppy fields and the coca fields in the south.”

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