Prosecution Team Replaced in Sen. Stevens Case

This prosecution team had so many screw ups that it seems this was the only logical move. Can this save the government from a mistrial or losing the case all together? Who knows. There’s still the issue of an FBI agent alleging government misconduct in the case.

By Del Quentin Wilber
Washington Post Staff Writer
WASHINGTON — Six Justice Department prosecutors will no longer participate in key legal proceedings involving former senator Ted Stevens (R-Alaska), who was convicted last year on corruption charges.
The move follows a hearing last week in which U.S. District Judge Emmet G. Sullivan held four prosecutors in contempt for failing to give defense attorneys documents concerning allegations of misconduct by members of the government’s legal team.
The Justice Department says the prosecutors will no longer be part of legal proceedings dealing with the allegations. They will continue to play a role in other post-trial legal issues, however.
Laura Sweeney, a Justice Department spokeswoman, said, “It was determined that this was the appropriate action.” She declined to comment further.
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