Prosecutors and FBI Argued Over Tactics in Dealing With Trump’s Secret Documents

By Allan Lengel

More often than not you expect federal agents to opt for more aggressive tactics than prosecutors.

That apparently was not the case when it came to the secret documents at Mar-a-Lago, at least according to a report in the Washington Post that cites multiple unnamed sources.

Apparently, the differences between the FBI and federal prosecutors resulted in an intense showdown last July.

The Post writes:

Prosecutors argued that new evidence suggested Trump was knowingly concealing secret documents at his Palm Beach, Fla., home and urged the FBI to conduct a surprise raid at the property. But two senior FBI officials who would be in charge of leading the search resisted the plan as too combative and proposed instead to seek Trump’s permission to search his property, according to the four people, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe a sensitive investigation.

Prosecutors eventually prevailed.

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