R. Justin Tolomeo To Head Up FBI’s Milwaukee Office

R. Justin Tolomeo
R. Justin Tolomeo

By Allan Lengel

WASHINGTON — R. Justin Tolomeo, who served as an inspector in the Inspection Division of the FBI, has been named special agent in charge of the Milwaukee Division, the FBI announced on Monday. He’ll assume the new post in September.

 Tolomeo joined the FBI in 1998 and was first assigned to the Chicago Division, where he worked criminal matters, according to a press release.  In 2001, he transferred to the New York Division and investigated drug violations.

After Sept. 11, 2001, he  Tolomeo was assigned to international terrorism and intelligence matters. In 2007, he was appointed as assistant legal attaché in London overseeing counterterrorism efforts, the FBI said.

Tolomeo has held leadership positions in the New York and Philadelphia Divisions. Prior to the FBI, he served as a DEA agent  New York and as a criminal investigator in New Jersey.


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