Reagan Assailant John Hinckley Can Get D.C. Driver’s License and Spend More Time With Mother

Nearly 30 years after he shot President Reagan, John Hinckley’s whereabouts and movements are still of interest to the public. After all this time, the question is: How dangerous is he?

John Hinckley Jr. -abc news photo
John Hinckley Jr. -abc news photo

By Del Wilber
Washington Post Staff Writer
WASHINGTON — Presidential assailant John W. Hinckley Jr. will be allowed to obtain a D.C. driver’s license and spend more time at his mother’s home in Virginia under a ruling yesterday by a federal judge.

The decision is the latest in recent years expanding privileges for Hinckley, who has been held at St. Elizabeths Hospital since he was found not guilty by reason of insanity in the 1981 shooting of President Ronald Reagan, his press secretary and two law enforcement officers.

The psychiatric hospital is seeking to gradually increase Hinckley’s freedom so that doctors can evaluate whether he is nearing the point where he can be released and live independently with his mother in the Williamsburg area.

For Full Story

Read Judge’s Opinion on Hinckley


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