Relatives Get Rare Opportunity to Raise Objections to Release of Certain FBI Files of Ted Kennedy

Late Sen. Ted Kennedy
Late Sen. Ted Kennedy
By Allan Lengel

WASHINGTON – In a rare move, the family of Edward M. Kennedy will be allowed to raise objections before thousand of pages of the late Senator’s FBI file are released, the Boston Globe reports.

The paper reports that the the FBI is providing the “uncommon” opportunity so that the privacy rights of living relatives will not be violated, the Globe reported.

“In certain circumstances [such as] the family of victims of crimes or, as in this case . . . a public official, [the FBI] may coordinate the release of certain material with the family,” Dennis Argall, an FBI spokesman told the Globe, noting that the practice was rare. “The family of a deceased person may have a privacy interest.”

“But the reason [for objecting] can’t simply be that it is embarrassing” Argail told the Globe.

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