Rep. Matt Gaetz Gets an All-Clear From DOJ

By Allan Lengel

Following a years-long investigation into allegations that he violated federal law by paying for sex, including with women under 18, Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz will not face prosecution, CNN reports.

U.S. Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Florida.

“We have just spoken with the DOJ and have been informed that they have concluded their investigation into Congressman Gaetz and allegations related to sex trafficking and obstruction of justice and they have determined not to bring any charges against him,” Gaetz’s lawyers, Marc Mukasey and Isabelle Kirshner, said in a statement.

CNN reports that senior Justice officials reached out to lawyers for multiple witnesses on Wednesday to inform them of the decision not to prosecute Gaetz.

Last year, investigators recommended not filing charges.

There were reports that Gaetz had worried about criminal exposure and had allegedly asked President Trump for a preemptive pardon, which he did not get.

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