Report Shows Undercover Investigators For NY Mayor Buy Guns From Unlicensed Dealers

It’s not hard to buy an illegal gun on the streets. But this study shows what we’ve all known for a long long time: it’s not hard to illegally buy a gun at gun shows. It’s simply ridiculous. These guns shows have been a haven for dope dealers and unstable people looking for guns.


By David S. Fallis
Washington Post Staff Writer
WASHINGTON — Undercover investigators working on behalf of the New York City mayor’s office repeatedly bought guns from unlicensed dealers at gun shows even though they disclosed they probably couldn’t pass a background check.

That finding is among those outlined in a 36-page report released Wednesday by Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s office that documents alleged illegal gun sales by private and licensed dealers earlier this year at seven gun shows in three states.

The investigation tested private, unlicensed dealers at the shows in Nevada, Ohio and Tennessee to see whether they would sell weapons to someone who said he or she probably could not pass a background check.

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