Republican Leadership Calls for FBI Assessment of Trump Media Leaks

whitehouseBy Steve Neavling

Republicans on the House Intelligence Committee are calling for the FBI to investigate recent media leaks involving sensitive discussions in the Trump administration.

“We are going to be outlining all of our concerns over the last 60 days that appear to all be related, maybe even coordinated in some ways,” committee Chairman Devin Nunes, R-Calif., told Fox News. “I am going to be asking the FBI to do an assessment of this to tell us what’s going on here because we cannot continue to have these leaks as a government.”

Among the leaks are conversations between the now-former National Security Adviser Mike Flynn and Russia; phone calls between President Trump and the leaders of Australia and Mexico; and the investigation into Russia’s role in the U.S. election.

“If [the conversation] was picked up inadvertently, then that would have had to been approved by someone in the last administration to actually unmask his name so that the FBI or intelligence officials knew who it was on the other end of the phone talking to the Russian ambassador,” Nunes explained. “If in fact the press reports are right, someone made the decision to deliberately listen to General Flynn’s phone calls and that is, I think, unprecedented, unwarranted, and flat-out wrong.”

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