Republicans Give Up Fight Against Obama’s Immigration Plan with Homeland Security Budget

John A. Boehner
John A. Boehner
House Speaker John A. Boehner
By Steve Neavling

After all the outrage and pledges to dig in for a fight against President Obama’s immigration plan, Republicans in the House gave up Tuesday and voted to fund Homeland Security to avoid a partial shutdown of the agency.

The New York Times reports that Speaker John A. Boehner built a coalition of 75 Republicans to join Democrats in passing the bill, 257-167.

Despite the capitulation, Republicans “expressed a sense of resigned relief,” The Times wrote.

The president is expected to sign the bill.

“How did we end up with kind of a slow demise, you mean, even after a very hefty kind of rhetoric?” asked Representative John Fleming, Republican of Louisiana. “Well, apparently that’s the way it’s done around here. I don’t agree with it.”

The outcome was “an unmitigated loss for conservatives,” Rep. Mick Mulvaney, Republican of South Carolina, said.

Republicans in the House hit a roadblock after realizing they didn’t have the votes in the Senate.

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