Retired FBI Agent John Wills Publishes Collection of Stories By Women in Law Enforcement

John Wills
By Allan Lengel

John Wills, a retired FBI agent, former Chicago cop and award winning author, has cranked out his latest book: “Women Warriors: Stories from the Thin Blue Line.”

The book is described on his website as  “a compelling collection” of true stories about women in law enforcement from the radio dispatcher to a courageous lone officer staring down the barrel of a gun inside a crowded department store.

The book is set to be released on Tuesday.

It features police officers, federal agents, chaplains, corrections officers and dispatchers.

Wills’ web page says that the women “all share their stories, each one written in their own hand. The diverse tales will make you laugh, cry and cheer as these Women Warriors face unknown danger during their shifts.”

Wills, who in 2011 published his third suspense novel “Targeted”, won First Place in the fiction novel category at the 2011 Writing Competition held by the the Public Safety Writers Association in Las Vegas in July 2011.


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