Retired FBI Agent Wrote Book about Ex-Trooper Wrongfully Convicted of Murdering His Wife, 2 Children

By Steve Neavling

A retired FBI agent published a book about a former Indiana State Police trooper who was wrongfully convicted of murdering his wife and two young children at their home. 

Gary Dunn, a 27-year veteran of the bureau, said he felt compelled to write the book to set the record straight about David Camp, who spent 13 years in prison after twice being wrongfully convicted.

“So many people have gotten it wrong for so long,” Dunn told “I think its time to set the record straight.”

Dunn got involved in the case after an attorney in Camm’s second trial approached him to take a closer look at the evidence. 

The book, “Their Bloody Lies & Prosecution of David Camm,” explores the murders, the three trials, and a lawsuit settlement.

“It’s a look back from the time I got involved in late ’04 to the murders themselves,” Dunn said.

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