R.I. U.S. Attorney Robert Clark Corrente Stepping Down

Robert Clark Corrente
Robert Clark Corrente

By Allan Lengel

U.S. Attorney Robert Clark Corrente of Rhode Island, whose office landed some high profile convictions of state lawmakers during his tenure, is resigning, effective June 26.

According to a press release issued by his office Monday, Corrente will join a private law firm on July 1. He was appointed U.S. Attorney by President Bush in 2004.

“It has been a great privilege to have served the country, the Department of Justice, and especially the people of Rhode Island,” he wrote in a resignation letter to President Obama and Atty. Gen. Eric Holder.

During his tenure, his office convicted state lawmakers John Celona and Gerard Martineau. The office also convicted Roger Williams Medical Center CEO Robert Urciuoli and executives from the former Lincoln Park slot parlor, according to the press release.

The state’s U.S. Senators have recommended that assistant U.S. Attorney Peter F. Neronha replace Corrente.

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