R.I. U.S Atty. Robert Clark Corrente Has One Foot Out the Door

Robert Clark Corrente
Robert Clark Corrente

As the Obama regime settles in, many Bush-appointed U.S. attorneys like Robert Clark Corrente already have one foot out the door. How many U.S. Attorneys get to stay on is unclear. Some are simply waiting for the right outside job opportunity.

Associated Press Writer
PROVIDENCE, R.I.U.S. Attorney Robert Clark Corrente is keeping one eye on his ongoing investigation into government corruption-and the other on his own job prospects.
Corrente, who was appointed by George W. Bush in 2004, is preparing to be replaced as Rhode Island’s top federal prosecutor now that Democrat Barack Obama is in the White House. He says he’s unsure how much longer he’ll stay on but calls his departure looming.
“I’m poking around now, thinking what I’m going to do next,” the 52-year-old told The Associated Press in a recent interview. “I haven’t settled on that just yet.”
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