Secret Service Agent Busted in Iowa for Drunk Driving

By Allan Lengel

The good news: At least Daneil L. Valencia wasn’t driving the President around.

The bad news: The Secret Service agent, who lives in D.C., was busted in Decorah, Ia. on Saturday for drunk driving after running a red light about 1:30 a.m., according to the Des Moines Register.

President Obama visited Decorah on Monday.

The paper reported that Valencia was alone in the car and had bloodshot eyes and smelled of alcohol. He told the cops he had two drink, the Des Monines Register reported.

A field sobriety test determined he was too intoxicated to drive, the paper reported. He was released from jail on Monday.

Secret Service spokesman George Ogilvie said the matter had been turned over to the Office of Professional Responsibility.

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