Secret Service Considers Closing Fifth Avenue to Protect President-Elect at Trump Tower

Trump Tower
Trump Tower

By Steve Neavling

President-elect Donald Trump’s decision to divide his time between the White Housee and his home and headquarters at Trump Tower have put the Secret Service in a bind.

The New York Daily News reports that the NYPD and Secret Service may shut down Fifth Avenue in New York, which would create traffic gridlocks in a city already full of them.

But police aren’t happy with the plan and said closing down a major avenue “can’t happen.”

“It’s a negotiation,” a source told the Daily News. “Their job is to keep the President safe. Our job is to keep the President safe, but also let the people who live and work and visit there have some semblance of normality. It won’t be complete normality, but it’ll be adjusted normality.”

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