Secret Service Forced to Hold Back Kelly Conway After Heated Exchange with Heckler

Kellyanne Conway
Kellyanne Conway

By Steve Neavling

Secret Service agents were forced to hold back Kellyanne Conway, a key aide to President Trump, when someone began heckling her.

Conway had flown into Washington Reagan Airport at 6 p.m. Monday, when she was confronted with a heckler, The Daily Caller reports

Conway, who has a habit of embellishing or exaggerating claims against Trump’s foes, was talking out of an airport terminal when the white male began mouthing off.

“Keep trashing America,” the man yelled at Conway, who responded angrily.

Conway fired back: “I like the way you talk shit while I’m walking away.”

Sensing that the argument could escalate, two Secret Service agents “put their arms up and blocked her.”

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