Secret Service Found Drunk Boris Yeltsin in Underwear Hailing Cab for Pizza

Secret Service agents have seen a lot of history. This is one drop of history that was apparently kept secret for a long time. Yelstin in all likelihood probably had a little too much vodka. And what better way to take the edge off of a vodka binge than with a good slice of pizza.

Boris Yeltsin with Clinton/bbc photo
PIZZA ANYONE? Boris Yeltsin with Clinton/bbc photo

Tim Reid
The Times of London
WASHINGTON — Boris Yeltsin got so drunk during a 1995 visit to Washington that Secret Service agents found him a few hundred feet from the White House clad only in his underwear and trying to hail a cab – because, he explained, he wanted a pizza.

The encounter and near international incident involving the former Russian President was revealed yesterday in a new oral history of Bill Clinton’s presidency, based on 79 taped interviews between Mr Clinton and the historian Taylor Branch during late-night visits to the White House.

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