Secret Service Leaves Little to Chance When the Prez Stops in for Lunch

Pres. Obama eats with advisors at another D.C. eatery earlier this month/white house photo
By Allan Lengel

When you’re President and you just happened to drop by a little lunch spot for a bite to eat, the Secret Service leaves little to chance.

The website TMZ reports that the Secret Service on Wednesday swept through Ted’s Bulletin restaurant on 8th Street SE on Capitol Hill  in D.C. with a K-9 unit  before President Obama stopped in and surprised a group of campaign volunteers.

The website reported that the restaurant was closed to the public.

By the way, the website reported that the President ordered up a plain cheeseburger, fries, and side salad and washed it down with water.

He then picked up the tab for the group and paid for the $200-plus lunch with a credit card.

In the photo above, the President was eating with advisors at the Good Stuff Eatery on Pennsylvania Avenue SE on Capitol Hill  on Aug. 3.

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