By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com
WASHINGTON — Comedians like Chris Rock and Jerry Seinfeld don’t really have to worry about being dethroned as funny guys — at least if the competition is the straight-laced and often stoic FBI Director Robert S. Mueller III.
Still, from time to time, the director slips a little humor into his speeches. On Friday, in a speech before the Citizens Crime Commission of New York, Mueller said;
“Today, we communicate by texting, tweeting, and Skyping. We take pictures without film, we read books without pages, and every six-year-old has a smart phone. We share the sundry details of our lives on Facebook. Well, most of us do. For some reason, no one wants to be “friended” by the Director of the FBI.
“YouTube made its debut just five years ago. Today, 35 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute. Most of them feature someone by the name of Justin Bieber. At my age, I have to wonder, who the heck is this kid, and why can’t he get a haircut?”