Sen. Chuck Grassley Critical of Housing Guantanamo Inmates in Ill.

Sen. Grassley/official photo
Sen. Grassley/official photo
By Allan Lengel

WASHINGTON — As expected, not everyone is happy with the Obama Administration’s decision to house Guantanamo Bay prisoners at a correctional facility in Thomson, Ill., about a two hours drive from Chicago.

The White House announced on Tuesday that it planned to purchase the facility and also hold military trials there.

In response, Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) released a critical statement:

“I don’t agree with bringing terrorists anywhere in the United States, let alone a stone’s throw from Iowa. There are a number of serious concerns with moving these terrorists to United States soil, including the legal, immigration and constitutional rights they will be afforded, along with a host of national security concerns and risks that would obviously come with moving people to the heartland who wish to kill Americans.

“On top of all that, experts say many of the jobs at the prison will need to be filled by specialized personnel who would be moved into the area instead of the jobs going to local residents.”

“I’m all for filling this facility with federal prisoners, but that can be done without bringing 75-100 terrorists, who have worldwide terrorist connections, to it.”

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