Sen. McConnell Would Support Garland As New FBI Director

Sen. Mitch McConnell/official photo
Sen. Mitch McConnell/official photo

By Steve Neavling

After Senate Leader Mitchell McConnell played a key role in denying President Obama’s choice for Supreme Court, the Kentucky Republican would support Judge Merrick Garland as the next director of the FBI, McConnell’s former advisor said.

“I think the Senate majority leader thinks that’s a fantastic idea,” Josh Holmes told “Fox News Sunday.”

“He certainly thinks [Garland] will be qualified. And [McConnell] certainly thinks he would be somebody that he could support.”

McConnell he prevented Garland from receiving a hearing on the nomination.

Garland name’s was floated last week by Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah.

“Instead of a special prosecutor, @realDonaldTrump should nominate Merrick Garland to replace James Comey,” Lee wrote on Twitter Thursday.

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