Senate Passes Bill to Rename Border Station After Slain Agent Brian Terry

Brian Terry
By Allan Lengel

Now all that’s  missing is the president’s signature.

On Tuesday night, the Senate passed legislation that will allow authorities to rename the United States Border Patrol Station in Bisbee, AZ to honor the memory of slain border Agent Brian Terry.

Terry was shot to death while on duty in December 2010.

His slaying raised quite a bit of controversy when it was learned that two weapons found at the scene were sold to straw purchasers as part of a failed ATF Fast and Furious operation.

Rep. Darrell Issa, who sponsored the bill to rename the station after Terry, said in a statement:

“All of Washington mourned with the Terry family when Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry gave his life in the line of duty in 2010. Today we stand just as unified for the purpose of honoring and preserving his legacy.

“The unanimous support with which the Brian A. Terry Memorial Act passed the United States Senate is a tribute to Agent Terry’s career of service to our country and to the Border Patrol’s distinguished history of intrepidity and sacrifice for the sake of homeland security.


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