Sex Offender Gets 70 Years in Prison on Numerous Charges

police tapeBy Steve Neavling

A federal judge wants to make sure 39-year-old Bradley Prucha spends the rest of his life in prison.

The 39-year-old registered sex offender with a long criminal history was sentenced to 70 years in prison.

Prucha was charged and convicted of producing child pornography, acting as the ringleader of a multi-state retail theft scheme, distributing narcotics to minors and witness tampering.

“This man left a tremendous wake of victims and broken lives behind him,” said Special Agent Kevin Kohler, who investigated the case from the FBI’s Omaha Division. “He is a predator in every sense of the word.”

The FBI said Prucha relied to vulnerable teenage girls to help carry out the crimes. He also paid to have sex with them and even filmed himself having sexual encounters with minors.

“For the most part, these were vulnerable teenage girls who didn’t have stable home lives,” Kohler said. “Prucha was able to recruit them by taking them on trips and buying them gifts and pretending to care about them when no one else in their lives did.”

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