Showoff FBI Agent in Court After Backflip Leads to Gun Shooting Man

Screenshot of a viral video showing the agent’s weapon going off.

By Steve Neavling

An FBI agent charged with a felony for accidentally shooting a man when the gun in his holster fell off after he did a backflip on a Denver dance floor waived his right to a preliminary hearing.

Chase Bishop, 30, is now scheduled to be arraigned in district court on Oct. 18 on one count of second-degree assault in connection with the June 2 nightclub shooting that wounded a man in the leg, the Denver Post reports

FBI Agent Chase Bishop

The news went viral after a video of the incident was posted online. It showed Bishop, who was off duty, showing off as onlookers encircled him when he did a backflip, causing the gun to fall from his holster around his waist. As he retrieved the weapon, it fired into the crowd.

In a strange development, Bishop was allowed to carry his service weapon again – on and off duty.

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