Slain FBI Dog “Freddy” Gets Some Respect

Freddy the FBI dog/fox news photo
Freddy the FBI dog/fox news photo

By Allan Lengel

FBI dog “Freddy”, a Belgian Malinois, may not get a 21 gun salute, but he will get a memorial, his name will be added to a memorial wall and he will be buried in Quantico, Va., an FBI press release said, according to the Detroit Free Press.

Freddy was shot and killed Wednesday during an FBI raid at a mosque in Detroit.  The FBI said an imam at the mosque shot Freddy. The FBI in turn shot the imam.

According to the press release, Freddy was born Feb. 17, 2007 and “entered duty with the FBI on Sept. 8, 2008.”

The release added: “Anyone who wishes to send a card to Freddy’s team members can send them to”:

Freddy’s Team
c/o FBI
477 Michigan Avenue, 26th floor
Detroit, MI 48226

To donate in his memory to a K-9 Law Enforcement Memorial, the release said:

FBI Agents Association
Attn: K9 Fund-Freddy
PO Box 12650
Arlington, VA 22219

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