Society of Former Agents of the FBI on Clemency for Leonard Peltier: ‘This Action is Truly an Affront to the Rule of Law’

By Allan Lengel

The Society of Former Agents of the FBI is harshly criticizing President Joe Biden’s last minute clemency for Leonard Peltier, the indigenous activist who spent nearly 50 years behind bars for the 1975 deaths of two FBI agents. 

In a message to members, the organization’s president, Mike Clark, stated:

“As you are all aware, earlier today President Biden commuted the sentence of convicted murderer Leonard Peltier.  In one of his last acts before retiring, Director Christopher Wray sent this letter (attached) to President Biden.”

“The letter clearly lays out in the strongest terms his opposition to any acts of clemency or commutation by the President on behalf of Peltier.  Director Wray’s position is one shared by the Society of Former Agents of the FBI. This action is truly an affront to the rule of law.”

“I would like to thank all Society members, especially Ed Woods, who have taken action and made efforts over the years to ensure that Peltier, a remorseless killer, served his sentence.  My prayers are also with the families of Special Agents Jack Coler and Ronald Williams, whose lives were shattered by Peltier’s actions.  Please see the attached letter and supporting documents. Please feel free to share Director Wray’s letter with local news outlets.”

Below is the letter from FBI Director Christopher Wray to Biden.

Click here to read Wray’s Letter

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