Spam King Busted for Sending 27 Million Spam Email to Facebook

By Allan Lengel

America knows one thing: Don’t mess with the sacred Facebook.

Sanford Wallace, the self-described spam king, surrendered Friday to the FBI after being indicted in San Jose on allegations that he broke into Facebook and sent 27 million spam emails, CBS reported.

Authorities allege that Wallace compromised approximately 500,000 Facebook accounts during three separate attacks on the social-networking giant between November 2008 and March 2009, CBS reported.

For Wallace, it was not his first problem with Facebook. He also was involved in other questionable mass marketing methods over the years.

In the late 1990s, his company, Cyber Promotions, was widely blacklisted as a source of unsolicited email. Prior to that, he gained a reputation for junk fax marketing.

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