Spies for Cuba Have Met 50 to 60 Times With U.S. Investigators

spy graphicBy Allan Lengel

A couple who admitted spying for Cuba have met with federal investigators 50 to 60 times to divulge their secret work, the U.S. Justice Department said Tuesday, according to the Miami Herald.

Walter Kendall Myers, a former State Department worker with top secret clearance — and his wife Gwendolyn Myers, pleaded guilty last November to sending secrets to Cuba over a span of three decades.

Under the plea agreement, the husband agreed to a life sentence, but his wife is likely to get off much lighter, and could possibly get up to 7 1/2 years, the Herald reported.

The two appeared at a hearing in U.S. District Court in D.C. on Tuesday, the Herald reported.

Assistant U.S. Attorney Gordon Michael Harvey told the judge the “debriefings” of the couple is expected to take about six months, the Herald reported. Both appeared in good spirits, clad in dark blue jail jumpsuits, the paper reported.

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