“Rebel Rider Ben” may ride no more. The 58-year-old of Alvarado, Tex., known to his mother as Benjamin Edward Neuner, sold five guns, 15 boxes of ammunition, smoke grenades and gun magazines to undercover FBI agents, reports the Star-Telegram newspaper. Neuner changed the rifling on the guns to make the bullets harder to trace, alleges a criminal complaint, and also possessed a machine gun.
Neuner was one of 28 “outlaw” motorcycle gang members — most of whom are in the Ft. Worth, Tex. area — charged in criminal complaints in a major crackdown on trafficking guns and drugs. The gangs included the Bandido Motorcycle Outlaw Gang (BMOG) and its affiliates the Bandidos, Homeboys and Rebels.
The charges are the result of a multi-year investigation into motorcycle gangs, says the Star-Telegram, mostly in the Fort Worth, Tex. area, but arrests were made in Denver and San Antonio as well.
Others arrested sold drugs to undercover agents, including John Pena Medellin, 61, also known as “Papa John” and “Uncle John.” Medellin is being accused of conspiring to possess more than 100 grams of heroin with intent to distribute.
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