Apparently Reed S. Berry, who was suspected of have terrorist links, didn’t like the FBI tailing him before the 10th anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks.
The Associated Press reports that a fed judge in Grand Rapids, Mi. ordered him detained last week after he allegedly tried ramming his car into an FBI agent’s car while the agent tailed him.
Reed S. Berry, 26, of St. Joseph, Mi., was under surveillance after the FBI discovered he’d had communications on the Internet with one or more groups of international terrorists, AP reported. The FBI wanted to keep an eye on him before the Sept. 11 anniversary.
His attorney Elias Muawad told AP said that his client’s online speech was protected by the Constitution and he was feeling caged in after being subjected to searches and barred from air travel.
AP reported that at one point on Sept. 9, when an FBI agent and other law enforcement were following him in the Benton Harbor-St. Joseph area in the western part of Michigan, he became upset.
AP reported that Berry allegedly shifted his car into reverse and moved at a high rate of speed toward the FBI agent’s car. The agent was able to move out of the away and avoid a collision.
“I believe Berry’s actions created a dangerous and violent situation,” FBI agent Samuel J. Moore of the Grand Rapids office wrote in an affidavit.