FBI Investigating Whether Somali Terror Group Is Successfully Recruiting Americans

Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com A year-long investigation into a Somali terror group’s efforts to recruit Americans may be gathering steam in Minnesota, the Associated Press reports. The FBI has been focusing on Minnesota because it’s home to the largest Somali population in the U.S., according to the AP. Fueling fears that al-Shabab is succeeding in its…

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FBI Dir. Robert Mueller Continues to Bang the Drum About the Dangers of Terrorists and the Cyber World

By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com There’s was nothing particularly shocking — or for that matter new — in FBI Director Robert S. Mueller III’s speech Thursday, but it was another reminder of the havoc and mischief we can expect via cyber attacks against business and government in the future. Terrorism remains the FBI’s top priority,” Mueller…

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FBI’s John Perren Talks Terrorism, the Internet and the Endless Battle

WASHINGTON – Earlier this month, on the 5th floor of the FBI’s Washington Field Office, in the shadow the nation’s Capitol, John G. Perren, special agent in charge of the Counterterrorism Branch, talked to ticklethewire.com editor Allan Lengel about lessons learned since Sept. 11, about the challenges the Internet has posed for terrorism investigations and…

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