Bar Fight Tied to FBI Investigation of City Hall Corruption in Allentown, Pa.
It’s getting a little steamy in Allentown, Pa., where the FBI has opened a city hall investigation.
It’s getting a little steamy in Allentown, Pa., where the FBI has opened a city hall investigation.
The FBI’s search of Allentown City Hall in Pennsylvania came just after an awkward moment between Mayor Ed Pawlowski and his campaign manager and best friend, Mike Fleck.
A federal grand jury investigation has prompted FBI agents to raid Allentown City Hall in Pennsylvania on Thursday.
By Allan Lengel Anthony Delonis tested his First Amendment rights in federal court in the Eastern District of Pennsylvania via Facebook and lost. The Legal Intelligencer reported that a federal jury on Thursday convicted him of threatening people through Facebook postings including an FBI agent, his estranged wife, the Pennsylvania State Police and the…
By Allan Lengel Put Sarah Palin into the equation, and you’re bound to get plenty attention. Just ask Christy, 47, and his 22-year-old son Shawn. The Philadelphia Inquirer reports that the FBI from the Allentown, Pa. office on Thursday arrested the two on charges of making hundreds of harassing calls to Palin’s family and…