McCabe’s Book: Session Said Bureau Was Better Off With All Irish Men. ‘They Were Drunks But They Could Be Trusted ‘

By Allan Lengel Ex-Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe paints a very unflattering portrait of former Attorney General Jeff Sessions in his new book. McCabe writes that Sessions didn’t read intelligence reports, mixed up classified material with what he had seen in newspaper clips and was confused about the structure and purpose of organizations, the…

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Ex-Acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe Shocked by Manafort’s ‘Lenient’ Sentence

By Allan Lengel Former acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe told CBS’s “Face the Nation” on Sunday that he was stunned by the “incredibly lenient sentence”  ex-Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort received in Alexandria, Va. last Thursday. “Well, I was really surprised by the sentence he was given,” McCabe told Face the Nation. “I think…

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Ex-FBI Official Andrew McCabe: Crime May Have Been Committed When Trump Fired Comey; Sen. Graham Talks Of Investigation

By Allan Lengel Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe’s interview on 60 Minutes on Sunday has stirred up dust inside the Beltway and beyond including talk of a Senate investigation. McCabe, who was fired by the Trump administration, said that a “crime may have been committed” when President Donald Trump fired the head of…

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