FBI Investigating Cleveland Anthrax Hoax

By Danny Fenster ticklethewire.com The FBI is continuing an investigation into an anthrax scare in Cleveland, reports WDEF.com. On Wednesday afternoon a letter containing white powder was found addressed to the Bradley County Circuit Court’s Office, but a mobile testing unit determined the substance was just talcum powder, according to WDEF. No one is sick…

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News Report Questions FBI Theory That Anthrax Suspect Tried to Deceive Investigators

By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com An investigative report published by ProPublica points to some flaws in the FBI’s conclusion that Ft. Detrick, Md. scientist Bruce Ivins was the culprit who mailed the deadly anthrax in 2001. The investigation, conducted by ProPublica, PBS and McClatchy Newspapers, attempts to undercut a key theory that Ivins tried to deceive…

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Great Strides Made in Nation’s Biodefenses Since 2001 Anthrax Attacks; But Concerns Linger

By Dan Vergano USA TODAY Anthrax-laced letters that killed five people, targeted U.S. senators and paralyzed post offices a decade ago have reshaped the nation’s biodefenses. While confidence is higher that the United States is better protected, there are continuing worries about potential threats in the coming era of “synthetic biology,” man-made designer microbes. Nationwide,…

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