UPDATED: Report Says Army Could Have “Prevented” Anthrax Attacks in 2001 and Psychiatric Records Support FBI Findings That Bruce Ivins “Was Responsible”

By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com And now for more on the anthrax controversy. A court-ordered report by the Expert Behavorial Analysis Panel concluded the U.S. Army could have “anticipated” and “prevented” the deadly 2001 anthrax attacks, and that a review of psychiatric records of suspect Bruce Ivins “does support the Department of Justice’s (DOJ’s)determination that he…

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Washington Post Editorial Calls For Congressional Commission to Review Anthrax Investigation

By The Washington Post Editorial Page WASHINGTON — RESOLUTION OF THE 2001 anthrax attacks continues to prove elusive. The Justice Department and the FBI identified Maryland scientist Bruce E. Ivins as having single-handedly carried out the attacks that killed five people and seriously sickened 17 others. The department was on the verge of seeking an…

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Report Raises Some Doubts About the Origin of the Killer Anthrax; Triggers Calls For Independent Review of Entire Case

By Allan Lengel For AOL News WASHINGTON — A report released Tuesday on the scientific methods used to investigate the deadly anthrax attacks disputes a key conclusion by the FBI — and has triggered calls for an independent review of the entire case. Investigators have concluded that government scientist Bruce Ivins mailed anthrax-laden letters to…

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Wrongfully Accused Anthrax Suspect Steven Hatfill Breaks Silence: “Now I really Don’t Trust Anything”

By Allan Lengel For AOL News WASHINGTON — Steven J. Hatfill, the scientist wrongfully accused of being the anthrax killer, has broken his silence in interviews with NBC’s “Today” show and The Atlantic magazine. “I learned a couple things,” Hatfill told “Today” host Matt Lauer this morning. “The government can do to you whatever they…

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Supervisor of Anthrax Suspect Has Doubts About FBI’s Investigation

By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com Not everyone is buying into the FBI’s findings that scientist Bruce Ivins was the anthrax killer — including his supervisor. The Frederick News Post  in Frederick, Md., where Ivins worked at the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute for Infectious Diseases, reports that Ivins’ supervisor Jeffrey Adamovicz wasn’t impressed with the FBI…

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