FBI Offers to Help Local Law Enforcement Unlock iPhones for Investigations
The FBI is offering to help local law enforcement bypass security features on the iPhone.
The FBI is offering to help local law enforcement bypass security features on the iPhone.
One could say that the Justice Department’s finding a way to unlock an iPhone without help from Apple is unfortunate.
In the name of security we are creating insecurity.
An Arkansas prosecutor suggested this week that FBI agents would help hack into a locked iPhone and iPod of two teenagers accused of killing a couple.
The FBI is helping prosecutors open an iPhone 6 and an iPod linked to a murder case in Arkansas after successfully hacking an iPhone belonging to one of the San Bernardino shooters.
When Apple refused to help the FBI open an iPhone of one of the San Bernardino killers, the bureau sought help from experts worldwide.
The federal government has successfully cracked the security function on an iPhone of one of the San Bernardino terrorists and officially withdrew its legal battle against Apple.
Apple is quietly pushing a pro-corporate interpretation of the First Amendment that could do real damage to the government’s ability to regulate commerce and protect consumers.