Robots to Help Border Patrol Capture Illegal Activity in Tunnel Systems Between Mexico, U.S.

Steve Neavling Tunnel systems that run between the U.S. and Mexico border are used to transport drugs, people, weapons and other illegal material. Now, Border Patrol agents are using robot technology to detect tunnels, the Associated Press reports. Agents in Tucson, Ariz., plan to demonstrate the “tunnel robots” Tuesday. According to CBP, tunnels are…

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$600,000 Houses for Border Patrol Agents Comes Under Investigation by Homeland Security

Steve Neavling  Opening an investigation into the costly price tag for housing for Border Patrol agents in Arizona, the Homeland Security Department has sent inspectors to the former mining town, the Arizona Republic reports. The $15 million housing project caused an uproar among residents, who say the federal government spent far too much money…

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Arizona Republic Editorial: Don’t think Border Patrol Impacts You? Arizona Republic Spells Out Reasons To Care

    By Editorial Board  The Arizona Republic You might shrug off concerns about how the Border Patrol operates. After all, it’s just the border. Migrants. Smugglers. Lawbreakers. It’s not about you and me. Well, yes it is. We hold police to high standards to protect everyone’s civil rights. Exempting the nation’s largest police force…

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Border Patrol Accused of Excessive Force, Illegal Searches in Arizona

Steve Neavling Border Patrol agents are accused of using excessive force and conducting illegal searches on people in southern Arizona, the Arizona Republic reports. The ACLU claims the abuses are occurring without any explanation and said scores of people have complained. The ACLU is delivering an administrative complaint Thursday morning. The complaints come just…

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